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Family Togetherness: Start a Garden with Your Children!

Romaine Lettuce Starter Plant

Starter plants are an easy way to start a garden with your children. Use fruits and vegetables that they like, and enjoy bonding over gardening, harvesting, and cooking together! Starter plants can be started outside or indoors in a window sill garden. Perfect opportunity to connect while teaching your children an important life skill and helping them develop an appreciation for nature. Besides that, it encourages positive self-confidence, and research suggests it may improve their level of achievement in science. All that digging around in the earth may also help build their immune system, with the added benefits of sunshine and physical activity. Gardening is a wonderful family activity to boost their well-being and connections all around.

Gardening in 8 Easy Steps:

  1. Check Your Timing

  2. Check Your Location

  3. Choose Your Plot

  4. Prepare Your Soil

  5. Choose Your Plants

  6. Begin Planting

  7. Water, Watch, & Weed

  8. Harvest, Cook & Enjoy!

Kale Starter Plant

Kale Starter Plant After 2 Weeks of Growth

This time of year some easy starter plants to grow in Florida include:

  • Broccoli

  • Cabbage

  • Cauliflower

  • Zucchini

  • Arugula

  • Lettuce

Try to include some vegetables that your children already like, plus a few new things to try. Gardening is an easy way to cultivate healthy eating at a young age, and develop a positive, nutrition-based attitude towards food. The sense of accomplishment and family time are just a few of the benefits of this fun activity, not to mention the educational value as they learn patience, cooperation,responsibility, nurturing, and other valuable attributes.

Email us a photo of your family garden for a chance to be featured in a future post!

Yellow Pepper Starter Plant

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