Massage Therapy
Massage Therapy is a wonderful healing modality with a plethora of health benefits! The main health benefit to receiving massage therapy is that it increases the body’s circulation. Therapeutic Massage increases the flow of blood, oxygen and nutrients into tissues and vital organs and increases circulation to the body’s largest organ: the skin.
Because it increases circulation, massage therapy benefits also include:
Increases joint flexibility
Improved range of motion
Reduction of spasms and cramping
Massage relaxes & softens of tired, overused muscles
Reduction post-surgery swelling and adhesions
Massage promotes tissue regeneration, alleviating scar tissue
Helps athletes recover from strenuous workouts
Enhances immunity by increasing the body’s lymph flow
Relieves migraine and sinus headaches
Decreases arthritis pain
Lowers blood pressure
Promotes deeper easier breathing
Because massage therapy also alleviates stress, additional benefits include:
Reduces anxiety
Promotes healthy sleep
Improves concentration
Enhances energy
Relieves depression
Satisfies the need for nurturing touch
Therapeutic massage is a wonderful, relaxing, and beneficial addition to your wellness plan!